\e-RIS-tik\ , adjective;1.
Pertaining to controversy or disputation; controversial.
Of argument for the sole purpose of winning, regardless of the reason.
Argument for the sole purpose of winning, regardless of the reason.
The art of disputation.
Urban dictionary has This to offer:
1. | Aneristic | |
From the theological principles of the Church of the Subgenius: "Aneristic" literally means "without Eris", and is diametrically opposed to the word "Eristic". Eris is the goddess of strife, discord, contention and chaos. She is often represented specifically as the goddess of the strife of war, who haunted the battlefield and delighted in human bloodshed. Other meanings include: orderly, organized, systemized, i.e., NOT CHAOTIC, etc. You get the idea. Mythology: Because of Eris' disagreeable nature she was the only goddess not to be invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. When she turned up anyway, she was refused admittance and, in a rage, threw a golden apple amongst the goddesses inscribed "Kaliste" meaning "To the most beautiful." Three goddesses laid claim it, and in their rivalry brought about the events which led to the Trojan War. Eris was closely identified with the war-goddess Enyo. Indeed Homer uses the names interchangeably. Her Roman name was Discordia. |